
Sunday, 16 July 2017


Living in Cumbria means that it is highly unlikely that I will ever get the chance to get to a Wimbledon Mens Final.  Apart from the distance from here to Wimbledon, there's the cost too.

However, thanks to the good old BBC I get a front row seat.

So to the preparations.  First job is to hull the strawberries. With thanks to my daughter who showed me this neat trick with a plastic drinking straw, this didn't take too long.

A lovely bowl of hulled strawberries (do I have to share these?)

Then make some chilled cucumber water,so I don't have to miss any tennis to get a drink.

Some crochet ready, in case it all gets too tense.

Found this tennis ornament (we used to call these executive toys). Does this count as decorating my home for the occasion.

And finally, this is the view I have when walking home so come to think of it, perhaps I have the better deal.

Got to go now as it's about to start.

Sunday, 9 July 2017

Scottish Wildlife

Earlier this year in May I went on a trip to Loch Fleet in north east Scotland. This is my third time in this area of Scotland, and I love going up there.  The weather is usually very kind and I have a lovely time looking at all the lovely scenery and looking out for the wildlife. I hope you don't mind my sharing some of my photographs.

Just a few Oyster Catchers

Seals in Loch Fleet, we were just a little bit too early to see any pups

Hillsides swarming with deer

Duck with ducklings in Dornoch

A 'speeding' snail (well the tide would be back in a few hours)

 Cormorants on rocks just off the coast at Brora

A furry caterpillar, wonder what it will turn into?

Look how close to the shore the seals come.  They seemed to be keeping an eye us.

And for a bit of fun I hope you see what I see in these.....

 A rock with a bit of lichen or a seal swimming in the sand

A reindeer, a moose, a rhinoceros or just a funny shaped tree

And finally, don't let anyone tell you that wildlife are shy.

Here is a cormorant who rushed into shot

Made sure I was looking

And then struck a classic cormorant pose.

That's all for now.


Sunday, 2 July 2017

Bee lucky!

Little did I know that when I sowed some bees and butterflies flower seed mix earlier in the year how successful I would be. Oh look I said on Fathers' day, look how many bumble bees I have enticed into my garden.

A bit too successful ... they have set up home.  Oh crikey, I panicked, Are they dangerous? What should I do?.

A phone call to the local bee keepers association has set my mind at rest, as long as I don't poke it with a stick I should be fine.  The hive will live there for a few months then naturally die out. And he said I was very lucky.

They are living in this bush.

Which means I cannot possible weed the bottom of the garden.

I have done some research and found that they are probably buff tailed bumblebees.  I only have a basic camera but have tried to take some photos while they are busy collecting pollen and nectar from the borage.

I'm also very lucky to live where I do, just short walk out of town,

through a nature reserve,

into the countryside.

Making the most of the sunny summer evenings.