
Saturday, 26 July 2014

Competition entries

For the first time I plucked up courage to enter some of my handicrafts in the local Agricultural Show. And i picked up 2nd prize for a crocheted article. I'm well chuffed. It's from a vintage pattern. I made the Bon Bon dish  last year.  Here is the link to that previous blog

I also entered:-

A pincushion

A cross stitch hanging

Jessie mouse

And a crocheted cushion

It was great fun and I think I will enter next year too.

S xx


  1. OH well done S, I am so happy for you and the basket is really beautifully done! All your other entries are cute and lovely too but Jessie Mouse steals my heart:)
    Have a wonderful Sunday, and happy crafting! xoJoy

    1. Thank you Joy. I thought the mouse was good too, but having seen the other entries I can see why it didn't get a prize. Some categories had only a few entries, others quite a lot, I will do again next year.
      S xx

  2. Congratulations on your prize! :)
    V x

    1. Thank you Vivienne. A whole £4, well going out today it should buy a couple of Lemonades, and as the advert says "every little helps"
      S xx

  3. Such beautiful entries, well done on taking prize with your bon bon dish it was stunning.


    1. Thank you. I'm on the look out for more vintage patterns I enjoyed making it.
      S xx

  4. Congratulations! It is lovely xx

    1. Thank you. I. On the look out for more vintage patterns to try.
      S xx

  5. Well done! All your items are lovely but the crochet basket is particularly lovely, beautiful colour. As my Great Granny used to say, you've got to be in it to win it!

    1. Hi Helen, thank you for your kind comments. I thought a different colour would give it a modern twist. Wonder what I should make for next year, I've certainly got a taste for it now.
      S xx

  6. Congratulations!! I did smile at the £4 prize, but hey that could be a nice ball of wool or two right? x

    1. Thank you. For a 25p entry fee I didn't think it was too bad a return and it was great fun.
      S xx

  7. How chuffed your must be, that bon bon dish is fabulous and the little mouse so cute.

  8. Thank you, yes I was chuffed. I see in our local paper that one other person took the 1st and 3rd prize, so mine must have compared very well with theirs. A challenge for next year, perhaps!
    S xx


Thank you for visiting my blog.

J xx