
Sunday, 25 August 2013

Saturday Shopping

Had a productive shopping foraging trip on Saturday.

This is my haul

A glass vase and 8 plastic knitting needles which I've turned into crochet flowers

3 lots of cotton fabric.

2 hand embroidered linens

1 stitch counter, and 1 Tunisian crochet hook.

A willow table which I started to paint white before I went to bed. It was too dark to take photos last night.

Didn't I do well?

Hope your bank holiday weekend is productive. Off to a craft fair with my mother today.

S xx


  1. Good results from your shopping expedition - cute little jug with the 'flowers' - and I wonder what that fabric will become?
    Joy x

    1. It's not often I find so many bargains on one day. I've been trying to find out about the jug on line. I think it may be 'end of the day' style, it's not a jug because it has no pouring lip, not a vase as it has a handle. It's intriguing. I've got an idea about the fabric. And, you may be surprised to hear I also have had time to work on my parrot pattern. More news coming soon.
      S xx

  2. What a fun day you had! Love your treasures...have you tried Tunisian crochet? It's on my To-Do list, looks so

    1. Yes I've tried Tunisian crochet, it's a bit like knit a row, cast off a row, knit a row. Not made anything with it yet, just tried it out.
      S xx

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you. I'm now on the lookout for colourful plastic knitting needles. A floral display that I only need to dust. Good one for using up bits of yarn.
      S xx

  4. I hope you are keeping it tidy!!!! LOL Mxx

    1. Well. It's going to be easier to put away, now I have a space for everything
      S xx

  5. Those are lovely finds! Lucky you! :)

    1. I feel very lucky. Going to work some more on the table today. Jazz it up a bit with a bit of bling.
      S xx

  6. Gotta love some weekend thrifting!

    1. I Enjoyed my day, not often I have the time to browse.
      S xx

  7. Looks like you did amazingly well! I really love what you've done with the needles in the vase.
    The linens look lovely x

    1. Thank you. I can't lay claim to the idea for the flowers. I seem to think I've seen it in a magazine somewhere. The larger of the linens, looks like hand woven. I wonder how old it is?
      S xx

  8. Great haul! Looking forward to seeing how your little willow table turns out.
    M x


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J xx