
Monday, 24 February 2014

What do you do when it rains?

What do you do when it rains?        You occupy yourself by making something, that's what!

Despite making all day I've not got much to show for it.

Paper pattern made using newspaper.

Basic mock up using old sheeting.

Adding a few motifs to my latest crochet creation, you can see how miserable it looks outside.

Head full of ideas, not enough time.

Have a good week
S xx


  1. This happens to me too - I spent all day creating and at the end of the day I feel like I don't have much to show for it! Your crochet creationg is looking very pretty. What yarn are you using? xx

  2. Wow, I like the look of this gorgeous piece coming up S, and the colours! I think we probably all have days like this when so much is put into something but very little shows - but then all of a sudden one can see the progress, and it was all worthwhile!
    That rain is in overabundance isn't it - and we badly need some over here - everything is becoming so dried out, including the humans, haha!!! Joy x

  3. There's something about when it's raining outside that makes me want to craft too - it's such a comfort! Intrigued by the ghostie sheet! Just found out that I'm your brooch swap partner (hooray!) and I'm just wondering if you have any favourite colour? Hmmm - my minds a buzzing x Jane


Thank you for visiting my blog.

J xx