
Saturday, 30 March 2013

Easter eggtravaganza

Happy Easter

Eggs, eggs, eggs - I've had great fun crocheting these eggs for Easter. Totally calorie free. 

Birds a singing! Thank you Lucy, Attic24, for the idea (see her blog link on the right)

Craft room in a mess.

Craft room all tidy now.

Now's the time to start thinking of my next crafty make. I wonder what it will be?

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Hooky fun

Just had to get my crochet hook out last night.

Taa Daa! One pair of hand warmers and a mug hug. Inspiration was the cold weather!!!

Keep warm, bye. Xx

Monday, 25 March 2013

Busy weekend

Sometimes you have an idea which seems quite inspired, and then you wonder if you have not lost your mind; that's how I found myself spending the weekend in an old barn on the coldest weekend of the year. Many areas around where I live had snow blocked roads and there is a strong, cold, easterly wind coming straight from the arctic. If I'd seen a polar bear I wouldn't have been surprised.

Yes, I took a stall at a craft/vintage fair at the weekend. Never done that before and I'm still thawing out. It was sooooooooooo cold. Brrrrrrrrr!!!!!

I shared the stall with one of my friends. We met some really lovely people and as a bonus I sold a few crocheted items and there was some interest in my handbags made out of recycled jumpers.

I was positioned between Gwen, who makes the most marvellous pottery, this is a link to her website. And 'Once Upon a Time in the North' - (have added her blog to my reading list) - what colourful cushions, bags, kits, ribbons, and a fantastic array of buttons.

I also bought some vintage crocheted cotton wedding coasters, 4 old knitting pins in a wooden cylinder, 2 old stilettos, a clock and half a dozen eggs, so overall I am probably not in profit, but who cares, I had the most marvellous fun.

Might do it again one day, did I really say that??????????????

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Lots of Rabbits and a few Ducks

I guess the rabbits have been doing what rabbits do best!

The ducks have been less prolific.

Saturday, 16 March 2013

Meet Jessie

May I introduce you to Jessie. She was born in 1901 and died, four years before I was born, in 1957. In this photograph she is about 18 years old.

 I have inherited all her sewing paraphernalia and she has left behind several pieces of embroidery, crochet and tatted items. My mother was also always making things, with knitting and dressmaking; so as a child I had access to fabric and wool, and of course Jessie's needles.  To me crafting is my relaxation, and I'm happy to see that I'm not the only one. Since getting into reading blogs I've discovered a whole world of creative people that I wouldn't have had the opportunity to meet before.

Isn't life grand.

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Three amigos

Easter is coming. Made these three friends. I made them up as I crocheted them so the ducks/chicks are not uniform;  but hey, in nature no two things are the same, even identical twins!!

Think I'll make some more. Still trying to get the hang of the technological aspects of this blogging.

Bye for now.

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Now in full colour !!!!!!

At last, I've found out how to put on a picture. These are a couple of bags I made at Emma's workshop last year.

A brilliant day out, she is so talented and patient and has the most marvellous work studio; also makes delicious lemon cake.

Hopefully this link will take you to her blog.  
Link to Emma's blog

Saturday, 2 March 2013

First steps

Well this is it, my first steps in the mysterious land of Blog. Not sure what I'm doing yet.

Can I introduce myself?  I have always lived in the north west of England and wouldn't want to live anywhere else. Who wouldn't, I see on the tv that folks are 'escaping to the country', and I'm lucky to be here already.

Wow, this is easier than I thought it would be !!!!

When I'm not working at the 'day' job, which is too boring to mention, I make things using a variety of crafts. I like the challenge of using different skills to make useful/fun objects, usually with textiles, and hope through this blog to share ideas with others who have generously shared their ideas in the world of blog.

I'll finish now and try to find out how to add photos, etc