
Thursday, 31 March 2016

Glorious Patterns

I always take a quick look at the knitting patterns in charity/junk shops and occasionally I find a crochet pattern or two, but look what I got yesterday, FIVE, yes FIVE patterns. Liking the Wendy Miami, though it is a bit chunky. Also, is that Joanna Lumley in a fetching jacket?

Sunday, 20 March 2016

Exciting News

It's Sunday morning, 0535 hrs when I awoke to the sound of the dawn chorus. At first it was just a jumble of sounds, but I opened my windows wider to listen and bit by bit I was able to make out different tunes. This continued for a full 11 minutes, not even missing a beat when a lone vehicle drove past. I am no bird song expert so I couldn't identify the individual singers, apart from near the end of the concert when the jackdaws joined in. I can still hear birds singing now but the main performance is over. What joy from simple pleasures.

My outlook on life is slightly coloured by the rose tinted glasses I am wearing at the moment. I have taken the opportunity to retire from the daily 9 to 5 to concentrate on my creative works. Having been fortunate to have worked full time since I left school I am now lucky to be able to start on the next stage of my life. And wow that has started in a big way. I saw an article in a local publication which was looking for participants in a countywide arts programme. I contacted them, was interviewed and then invited to take part. It's called Workshops in People's Homes. 

It is such an honour to have been invited as they have only invited 12 people in the whole of Cumbria.

My workshop has still to be decided on but I am thinking of setting up a crochet museum in my living room, providing tea and cake, and a quick crochet practice. So much work to do. Not least organising and cataloguing my crochet collection which grows each month.

A kind friend popped round with an old knitting bag which was full of these goodies. So more joins the stash.

But I still have a bit of time for my own crocheting. From a book which was published around the early Edwardian era by Flora Klickmann I have started this piece of fillet. I am making mine with a larger hook and thicker cotton than would have been used. The old instructions are quite hard to follow, but I'm making progress.

Thank you for reading my blog.

Sandra xx